Lean Leg Workout
Gotta lift some weight, ladies, if you wanna lose the jiggle! We underestimate our leg strength. Lets face it...if your legs carry YOU around all day, every day; you CAN squat more than 50 pounds on the Smith Machine!! So put on your big girl panties and LIFT SOME REAL WEIGHT!! I've mentioned how I typically split my leg workouts between two days (Hamstrings on one day and Glutes & Quads on another). Lately I've been doing hamstrings one day and plyo the next. Well, I have had to modify my workouts this week due to scheduling but I got it in! Today's Workout Muscles Focused: Glutes, Quads & Hamstrings 10 min. Warm-up Compound Set: •Leg Extensions •Lying Hamstring Curls Compound Set: •Vertical Leg Press: Foot positioning: Shoulder Width + Toes Out + High & Narrow •Seated Calve Raises Compound Set: •Sumo Squats •Jumping Lunges Compound Set: •Barbell Squats with stepper (breaking the plane!) •Bulgarian Split Squats with stepper •Single-leg Elevated Bridge (glute/...