
Showing posts from March, 2011

Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

"Already!?!" Yes, ladies...Spring has sprung! Whether its 5lbs or 20lbs...we can totally reach those goals by June 1st!! But we can't delay another day! And if you have more that 20lbs to shed, just think of it as a benchmark!! WOW! What an amazing start to your total body TrAnSfOrMaTiOn!!! If you'd heard me say it once, you've heard it 100 times, NUTRITION IS KEY! It will take time and discipline, but you MUST PREPARE! Six meals a day - prepare them ahead of time. Busy week? You can prepare for few days at a time and imagine the time and money you'll save, not to mention the bod we're working on! ;) Don't know where to start? Call me or email me today. Personal Training & Nutritional Counseling Y ou L ift L ike AG

Six Tips To Lowering Your Cortisol Production:

Here are 6 tips that give you the top recommendations to decrease cortisol levels and thus catabolic metabolism while you increase anabolic metabolism and experience optimal health. 1. Eliminate caffeine from your diet. It’s the quickest way to reduce cortisol production and elevate the production of DHEA, the leading anabolic youth hormone. 200 mg of caffeine (one 12 oz mug of coffee) increases blood cortisol levels by 30% in one hour! Cortisol can remain elevated for up to 18 hours in the blood. This is the easiest step to decrease your catabolic metabolism and increase your anabolic metabolism. 2. Sleep deeper and longer. The average 50 year old has nighttime cortisol levels more than 30 times higher than the average 30 year old. Try taking melatonin, a natural hormone produced at night that helps regulate sleep/wake cycles, before going to sleep to boost your own melatonin production that also decreases with age. I prefer Source Natural Sublingual Melatonin and I alwa...

You exercise, you eat right, but you still have a pooch!

Lose that belly fat! You exercise, you eat right, but you still have a pooch. Here's the surprising reason why—and how to fix it. We crunch. We Ab Blast. We eschew carbs. Heck, we'll even go under the knife to get rid of ab flab. Unfortunately, recent research shows that you can crunch until you crumble and diet till you're drained of energy, but if your days are full of stress, the perfect six-pack--or even a flatter midsection--will continue to elude you. That's because fat in the abdominal area functions differently than fat elsewhere in the body. It has a greater blood supply as well as more receptors for cortisol, a stress hormone. Cortisol levels rise and fall throughout the day, but when you're under constant stress, the amount of the hormone you produce remains elevated. With high stress and, consequently, high cortisol levels, more fat is deposited in the abdominal area since there are more cortisol receptors there. But ab flab is not the only pri...

Vegan High Protein Sources

Almonds , 7-8 grams of protein per serving Pistachios 7 grams of protein per serving Pumpkin Seeds 11 grams of protein per serving Sunflower Seeds 8 grams of protein per serving Hempseeds 11 grams of protein per serving Almond Butter 8 grams of protein per serving Peanut Butter 8 grams of protein per serving (many people are allergic to peanut butter and it can cause inflammation. When in doubt, stick with almond butter) Black Beans 8 grams of protein per serving Lentils 8 grams of protein per serving Garbanzo Beans 7 grams of protein per serving Navy Beans 8 grams of protein per serving Kidney Beans 7 grams of protein per serving Pinto Beans 7 grams of protein per serving **************************************************** Recommended Vegan Sources for DHA (essential fatty acid) NuTru's Omega-Zen-3 Udo's Oil With DHA