Yellow Polka Dot Bikini
"Already!?!" Yes, ladies...Spring has sprung! Whether its 5lbs or 20lbs...we can totally reach those goals by June 1st!! But we can't delay another day! And if you have more that 20lbs to shed, just think of it as a benchmark!! WOW! What an amazing start to your total body TrAnSfOrMaTiOn!!! If you'd heard me say it once, you've heard it 100 times, NUTRITION IS KEY! It will take time and discipline, but you MUST PREPARE! Six meals a day - prepare them ahead of time. Busy week? You can prepare for few days at a time and imagine the time and money you'll save, not to mention the bod we're working on! ;) Don't know where to start? Call me or email me today. Personal Training & Nutritional Counseling Y ou L ift L ike AG